love this Iris, thank you for your beautiful words! this really resonated with me. I also love pretty much anything written by Leah Piepzna-Samarasinha - so glad you're digging into the Future is Disabled, disability justice has been a huge influence on my worldview.

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Thank you! I’m glad to hear it. It’s a whole process of parsing out, but it feels like we have to try, you know?

And yes, I am all about their work and really glad I found them. Sometimes I wish I could just hoover whole books into my consciousness, and theirs are definitely included in that.

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absolutely, if we don't try then we are letting the status quo persist! and we get to learn things by trying, even if it doesn't go the way we hoped. <3 excited to hear more through your writing on how this all plays out, and sending you resilience as we do hard and brave work!

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Iris, I love this, thank you so much for putting words to these mullings over, the ambivalences, the contradictions. I love Nic's framework of enoughness, it's been really helpful for me too. I just wrote a really long rambly comment processing my own poverty trauma brain and a bunch of other things but it really was a bit ~trauma dumpy~ for the comments section lol. So, to be continued in this conversation with you I hope (I want to take Nic's next round of this!). Appreciate you!

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Thank you! It is hard not to go here and take ourselves in circles, though I think sometimes that's what we need in order to get to each of the layers. Definitely would love for this to be one part of a continued conversation and to hear your thoughts on it!

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